

The collection players

The story of Ferme Saint Siméon, a key part of the Saint-Siméon Collection, is closely linked to a family legacy. Ever since its first ownership change in 1631, it has been managed by a family. It became a farm inn in 1825 under the Toutain family. Now, the Boelen family has been at the helm for three generations, maintaining its heritage and traditions with great care and dedication.

Meet the members

These are the people who make the houses in the Saint-Siméon Collection in Honfleur singular experiences of excellence and elegance.

Matthieu Pouleur

Ferme Saint Siméon

Executive Chef of the Collection

Laurent Dauvert

Ferme Saint Siméon

Head Concierge of the Collection

Kevin Legoy

Auberge de la Source

Head Chef of the Auberge de la Source

Yann-Mikaël Coquet

Le Vieux Honfleur
